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Related article: IX " come to my house and frankly, his rightful mistress there. " I stood before her broken broken, repugnant, confusion, and I that I smiled when I did my best to get into the skirts of my ragged coat housecoat - exactly as I had imagined the scene not long n before a bout of depression. After standing over us for a few minutes Apollon was, but he did Atomoxetine Hydrochloride not feel well. What made n worse was that she was overwhelmed by confusion, especially in fact, as I expected. In view of me, of course. " Sit," I said mechanically, moving a chair to the table, and I sat on the couch. She dutifully sat back and looked at me with open eyes, obviously expecting something from me at once. This naivete of expectation led me to anger, but I did. You will have to try not to notice, as if everything is as s usual, while instead... and I felt weak, Shoudo ld to pay dearly for this. "I was in a strange position, Liza," I began, stammering n and know that this should start the wrong way. "No, no, no something," he exclaimed, suddenly saw red. "I am is not ashamed of my poverty.... On the contrary, I see pride in my of poverty. I am poor, but honest.... One can be poor and honest, " I murmured. "But... do you want ?.... tea " " No," he began. " Wait a minute. " I jumped up and ran to Apollon. I had to leave the room somehow. " Apollo", I whispered in feverish haste, he threw himself in front of him seven rubles, which was n all the time in my fist, "is here his salary, you see, I give you, but you have to come to my ​​rescue. bring me a dozen tea and cookies at the restaurant, if you is not going, it makes me a miserable person who does not know what is No lady... !. This is - everything you can imagine something.... n However, you mustn't know what this woman... " Apollo, who had already taken place to work and continued to glasses again looked suspicious at first about money, not to mention ot the withdrawal of the needle, and then without the slightest regard for s me or no answer, he continued, occupied with her needle, that managed yet. I was waiting in front of him for three minutes n with a Napoleon of arms Angeles. were my brow soaked with sweat. I Buy Atomoxetine was pale, I felt it. But, thank God, has been postponed, compassion, looked at me. Having threaded his needle he deliberately got the back to his seat, deliberately moved his chair, deliberately took conscious vessels, counted the money, and finally asked me about of his shoulder. " I want a full part "intentionally left the room when I wanted to get back to me the idea of ​​Liza was in the n by the way, should not run away like I was in my bathrobe, regardless